

April 30, 2013

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.  For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.” Romans 1:18-19

Atheist symbol, made by User:FaltaregoI like to read apologetics blogs.  However, there is a rather mixed bag in the blog-o-sphere.  There are probably more blogs of atheist apologists than there are for Christian apologists.  I recently saw one particularly condescending post from an individual who had found the key to unraveling the Christian religion.  He advocated focusing on what he called the incoherent arguments hide in the backyard of redemption.

One of these incoherent arguments was described as culpability for a sin nature that is neither requested nor avoidable. I thought that this statement encapsulates many of the arguments of secular atheists against Christ.  It is a misunderstanding of Christian doctrine sharpened into a spear.

I am again reminded of how important it is for followers of Christ to know what they believe.  We must know what the Bible actually teaches us so that we can prevent others from twisting it into something different.  This person’s twisting is a misrepresentation of the implications between a deprave nature and actual sin.  No person has ever faced the judgment of God due to a depraved nature.  People face the wrath of God due to their sin.

The culpability for the atheist and all people is the suppression of the truth that is evident by walking out our back doors and experiencing life.  The atheist, in particular, denies what their own eyes can know about God.  All one has to do is look at this incredible creation to see the divine nature and eternal power of God.


Atheism (Photo credit: atheism)

Man’s culpability comes from being able to know that there is a God but then refusing to honor him or give thanks to Him.  That is the sin for which people are culpable.  The atheist is most culpable since they typically not only fail to honor God but they actually dishonor their Creator by overtly denying that He exists.

Reading the writings of atheists breaks my heart because they so vividly reveal the fallen nature of this world.  The aggressive and egotistical nature of many of these writings is evidence to how they have become “futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”  (Romans 1:21)  I am reminded of how broken this world truly is and in need of redemption.

May our hearts break for the lost.  Let us not fall into their carefully laid traps that are really mere pits of futile and debased thinking.  Let us pray that God will open their eyes and acknowledge Him and His Son as their Savior .

PRAYER: Father, I pray for my atheist friends.  I know that their sin is great as is my own.  Father, I pray that you will tear down their intellectual walls that resist the message of this universe.  The message that you are God.  Lord, I ask that you draw them back from their futile and debased thinking.  I ask that you will soften their hearts and open their eyes to see your Son and to see their need for a Savior.  I pray this in the precious name of your Son, Jesus Christ.   Amen.



  2. I think an attitude of humility & love convinces atheists more thoroughly than any argument I can come up with.

  3. I would like to nominate you for the Beautiful Blogger award. Here’s the link:http://jemiluce.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/beautiful-blessing/

  4. Hey, I too like reading apologetics blog! I wonder if we read the same ones =) But this post is a good reminder of the greater spiritual contexts in which apologetics and apologetics interaction with atheists, etc take place and the need for God’s grace to draw them back from their debase suppression

  5. I try not to be intimidated by these so called experts on ‘truth’. Guess I am a simpleton in their eyes but I don’t ever remember not believing in God. I posted a Scripture/photo on my FB blog yesterday that correlates with this: God exists, We are without excuse. Blessings!

  6. Amen to that prayer!

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