
A poem to honor the journey of adoption

November 23, 2013

Being of father of two via the gift of adoption, I love this poem.

Jeremy Podolski

Celebrating National Adoption Month with poetry

I have been a father for six years, a gift first given me by my amazing daughter and made possible through  international adoption. My wife and I are also fortunate to have a remarkable son whose life united with ours three years ago.

November is National Adoption Month, and today, specifically, is National Adoption Day in the United States. Personally, this is a day to reflect upon the journey that led to my family, shaping us from disparate and distant parts into the loving collection of odd and beautiful souls that we are.

Adoption is miraculous, but rooted in trauma. A child’s loss. Parents’ pain. Only through our daily actions can we hope to honor that appropriately. Only through love can we revere the loss. It is a lesson we learned well during our nearly four-year wait to meet our daughter. The years were…

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One comment

  1. JD This is a lovely poem and I’m glad you shared it. As I said on Jeremy’s blog, God bless you and all adoptive parents for sharing your love with your special children whom God put into your life. How appropriate that the month to celebrate and be thankful for adoptions is the same as the month of thanksgiving for all of God’s blessings, I love the way he orchestrates things in our lives.

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